Saturday, May 14, 2011

Just Received my Metabolic Cooking Book

"GOOD HEALTH IS WEALTH" Nothing worth more in our life. Welcome again to series of articles, reviews and today lifestyle cooking -Metabolic Cooking.

metabolic cooking review My Metabolic Cooking Review is Coming
More About Metabolic Cooking
I am super excited to tell you that I got my early release of Metabolic Cooking Cookbook from The Muscle Cook dave ruel this afternoon.
All I can say is wow.  I can’t believe how much is in here and the food seriously sounds awesome.  Mexi Turkey-Eggs Skillet, Creamy Banana Nut Crunch, Pizza Omelete, Argentina-style Steak, Thai Beef Salad Wraps, and that’s just a tiny preview.
There’s so many recipes I haven’t had a chance to read them all.
Include are books separated for breakfast, chicken, fish and seafood, sides, pork, vegetarian, snacks, smoothies and red meat in total of about 150-175 recipes.
That’s very convenient that they are split like this.  Like I said this is an early release and Dave Ruel will be sending me another version which includes even more when it comes out.
Be sure to come back soon.  I will have some videos coming out of some of the metabolic cooking recipes and you will find my Metabolic Cooking review right here.

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